Rotarians donate bench to North German Park
Posted by Kevin Sweeney
on May 07, 2011
Members of the New Ulm Rotary Club planted three trees and placed a park
bench at North German Park, behind the New Ulm Community Center, on
Saturday, May 7. The Rotary Club provided $1,700 for the project, part of which was community grant funds from District 5950. Carisa Buegler spearheaded the project, and a number of Rotarians, including some family members, showed up to plant the trees, set the bench in place, and help clean up the park. In the back row, from left, are Dan Drugan, Larry Mack, Duane Lambrecht, Kevin Sweeney, Justin Weinberg, Norm Kopp, Marc Burkhart, Roger Ryberg, Carisa Buegler, and Shannon Frauenholtz with daughter Kate. In front are Abby Frauenholtz, and London and Aria Weinberg, who did a lot of good work cleaning up the park.